Sunday 15 June 2008

Only A Handful Of Viewers Watching Abc's Webcast

Despite its effort to attract younger viewers to the online version of ABC World News With Charles Gibson, only 145,000 people accessed the webpage that links to the webcast, the Wall Street Journal reported today (Wednesday). The 15-minute webcast includes clips from the television broadcast as well as stories about technology and pop culture. In an interview with the Journal, ABC News President David Westin said that he is looking for ways to "reinvent" the online newscast and is considering replacing it with a series of video updates throughout the day. The newspaper's report said that while the ABC News webside recorded 7.8 million page views on Monday and usually averages about 8.4 million, many of those checking out the site -- some three million -- click on "soft" news photos, including stills of celebrities and the "pregnant man."

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